Clear Button Colors
Polipigment exact transparent colors are specially made for the button industry. Exact transparent color pastes can only be mixed with each other and the maximum recommended ratio is 1% in polyester. They are not recommended to be used in combination with other color pastes. They can fade over time, so they are not suitable for polyester products which are going to be used out doors or have high weathering resistance requirements. Clear button color pastes should never be used in gelcoat coloring.
Clear button colors are specially designed for button industry.
Clear Button Colors
Polipigment exact transparent colors are specially made for the button industry. Exact transparent color pastes can only be mixed with each other and the maximum recommended ratio is 1% in polyester. They are not recommended to be used in combination with other color pastes. They can fade over time, so they are not suitable for polyester products which are going to be used out doors or have high weathering resistance requirements. Clear button color pastes should never be used in gelcoat coloring.
Packing Types
You can choose any package type suitable for your production system or you can get further information from our sales department regarding container options.
Modification Description
- FR Filled flame retardant
- D* Filled (*with filler content)
- T
Thixotropic (no sagging)
- A
Cobalt preaccelerated
Amine preaccelerated
- UV
UV Curing
- L UV light stabilized
- I
Lower viscosity
- V
Higher viscosity
- LSE LSE (low styrene emission)
- H*
Gel time customized (at room temperature) * minutes
Optimized for summer season. Gel time (at room temperature) 40 minutes.
Optimized for winter season. Gel time (at room temperature) 20 minutes.
- COLOR White or custom color options
Gelcoat Customizations
Polijel gelcoat table descriptions and modifications.
Spray Application (airless preferred)
Brush or Roller Application
Color Option: White colored
Color Option: Light colored (pastel)
Color Option: PRO colored