Mold Release Waxes
Polivaks wax based release agents are a product series specially designed for mold release applications in the GRP industry. They are specially formulated for hand lay-up, spray-up and casting production methods. They offer high release properties in combination with high gloss. However, they do not cause pre-release. Polivaks release agents are easy to use release agents with optimal drying times and they do not accumulate on mold surfaces.
Mold Release Waxes
Polivaks wax based release agents are a product series specially designed for mold release applications in the GRP industry. They are specially formulated for hand lay-up, spray-up and casting production methods. They offer high release properties in combination with high gloss. However, they do not cause pre-release. Polivaks release agents are easy to use release agents with optimal drying times and they do not accumulate on mold surfaces.
Polivaks MAX-9
Maximum mold release wax
Polivaks MAX-9 is a high performance release agent for hand lay-up and casting applications especially in application where release is difficult. MAX-9 is recommended for fast production cycles because of its high solid content and optimal drying speed. Do not use in combination with PVA based release agents.
Polivaks SV-8
Odorless super mold release wax
Polivaks SV-8 is an odorless wax formulation for hand lay-up, sprayup and casting applications. Polivaks SV-8 provides easy release of composite parts from molds. Do not use in combination with PVA based release agents.
Polivaks SV-6
Super mold release wax
SV-6 has proven performance in the composites industry with its high release and glossy finish properties. Do not use in combination with PVA based release agents. It does not accumulate on molds and is easy to polish.
Polivaks Ekonomik
Professional mold release wax
Polivaks Ekonomik is a synthetic wax with optimum performance/price ratio. Suitable for industrial applications and used as a release agent on mold flanges to prevent accumulation of polyester residuals.
Polivaks PV-7
High performance spray wax
Polivaks PV-7 is a liquid wax based release agent. It is recommended to be used on intricate mold structures where standard waxes are difficult to apply.
It should be polished with a clean cloth after spray application. Do not use in combination with PVA based release agents.
Packing Types
You can choose any package type suitable for your production system or you can get further information from our sales department regarding container options.
Modification Description
- FR Filled flame retardant
- D* Filled (*with filler content)
- T Thixotropic (no sagging)
- A Cobalt preaccelerated
- ABP Amine preaccelerated
- UV UV Curing
- L UV light stabilized
- I Lower viscosity
- V Higher viscosity
- LSE LSE (low styrene emission)
- H* Gel time customized (at room temperature) * minutes
- H40 Optimized for summer season. Gel time (at room temperature) 40 minutes.
- H20 Optimized for winter season. Gel time (at room temperature) 20 minutes.
- COLOR White or custom color options
Gelcoat Customizations
Polijel gelcoat table descriptions and modifications.
- Spray Application (airless preferred)
- Brush or Roller Application
- Color Option: White colored
- Color Option: Light colored (pastel)
- Color Option: PRO colored