REACH is a significant new piece of European legislation. The acronym stands for: Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of Chemicals..

The new regulation replaces numerous European Union Directives and regulations and places responsibility on the chemical industry to demonstrate the safety of its products. The REACH Regulation, adopted by the European Parliament on 18 December 2006 and was published in the European Union’s Official Journal L396 of 30 December 2006. A corrigendum version was issued in the Official Journal L136 of 29 May 2007and became law 1 June 2007..


REACH regulations control the manufacturing, import and marketing of chemical products in all Member States of the European Union (EU) and has been adopted by the European Economic Area (EEA).

The European Commission believes REACH will deliver significant benefits by:
• providing a high level of protection to human health and the environment
• fostering innovation within the EU chemicals industry and ensuring high safety standards for its products
• providing a single EU regulatory system with a streamlined decision-making process and clear time-lines.

Poliya’s perspective on REACH

Poliya supports the underlying goals of REACH, which include placing greater responsibility on industry to manage the risks that chemicals may pose to health and the environment. This is consistent with our own HSE&Q policies to promote the responsible production, use and handling of the products we make.


We have also been actively engaged principally through TKSD in making our position on REACH known to the European Community. We continue to work with industry colleagues to develop implementation guidelines for the industry. At this time, a key priority for Poliya is to prepare for the implementation of REACH, both internally and externally.This will include coordinating closely with our customers and suppliers to gather all of the required information on both the products we sell and those we buy.

The position of Poliya on REACH

Poliya is closely following REACH procedures and is committed to comply with this new European regulation. The majority of Poliya products distributed and sold in the countries participating European Union and the European Free Trade Association are polymers and preparations which are exempt from registration under regulation EC 1907/2006 of REACH.

In compliance with REACH and regulations issued by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), Poliya plants have been pre-registering monomers used to manufacture polymers contained in our product range. In our supply chain, as a downstream user, we are in constant communication with our suppliers to make sure their upstream suppliers have pre-registered the chemical substances in the raw materials supplied to Poliya. Poliya is dedicated to fulfilling its legal obligations under REACH to keep our customers uninterrupted and ensure the stability of European supply chain during this transition.

To the best of our knowledge, none of the raw materials used to manufacture Poliya products for the European market contain any of the items on the Candidate List of the Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) on published on the ECHA website on October 28, 2008. This statement is based on composition information provided by our suppliers.

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