RTM and Infusion
Preferred by the world’s leading composites parts manufacturers Poliya’s Infusion / RTM type resins have low viscosity, excellent fiber wet-out and flow properties which makes them ideal resins for marine applications, wind turbine blades and construction applications. Polipol 3382, with high HDT value and Polipol 3567, with minimal shrinkage are resins for RTM applications in vehicle parts, water slide productions.
Polives 702 vinyl ester resin is preferred for infusion applications for boats, yacht, wind turbine blades productions and has high hydrolytic resistance and high mechanical properties.
RTM and Infusion
Preferred by the world’s leading composites parts manufacturers Poliya’s Infusion / RTM type resins have low viscosity, excellent fiber wet-out and flow properties which makes them ideal resins for marine applications, wind turbine blades and construction applications. Polipol 3382, with high HDT value and Polipol 3567, with minimal shrinkage are resins for RTM applications in vehicle parts, water slide productions.
Polives 702 vinyl ester resin is preferred for infusion applications for boats, yacht, wind turbine blades productions and has high hydrolytic resistance and high mechanical properties.
Water Park Slides
Wind Turbine Blades
Complex GRP Parts
Demolding Large Truck Hood from RTM Mold
Large RTM Parts
- Product Description
- Chemical Structure
Available Modifications
Monomer Content
Gel Time
Tensile Strength
Elongation at Break, Tensile
Flexural Strength
HDT [0,45 MPa]
Barcol Hardness, 934
Volumetric Shrink
- Remarks
- Highlights
- Primary Usages
Polipol 339-I
New - GRP type polyester
- Ortho
- 500-700
- 35-38
- 12-14
- 65
- 2
- 145
- 82
- 47
- 8,0
OT1 , OT2 - -
Good mechanical properties
- Optimal demolding time
- Good fiber wet-out
-Low viscosity
- RTM parts for automotive , air conditioner duct, roof mounted AC units.
Polipol 334-S
- RTM / Infusion type polyester
- 180-200
- 41-44
- 24-26
- 69
- 2,5
- 139
- 105
- 46
- 8,5
OT1 , OT3 - -
Good mechanical properties
- Optimal demolding time
- Good fiber wet-out
-High filler acceptance
- Low viscosity
- RTM parts for automotive, water park slides, infusion, roof mounted AC units.
Polipol 3650-A
New - Low viscosity, pre-accelerated, infusion type polyester
- Ortho
- 140-180
- 44-47
- 60-70
- 70
- 3,4
- 135
- 90
- 46
- 6,8
OT1 , OT4 - -
- Long gel times available
- Rapid barcol development
- Easy and good fiber wetting
- Composite parts production for marine and wind turbine industries with infusion production method
Polipol 3469-I
New - GRP type polyester
- 200-250
- 39-42
- 18-20
- 70
- 2,5
- 120
- 85
- 44
- 6,0
OT1 , OT2 - -
Good mechanical properties
- High surface quality
- Good fiber wet-out
- High filler acceptance
- Low viscosity
- RTM parts for automotive, water park slides, infusion, roof mounted AC units.
Polipol 363-L
New - RTM type UV stabilized translucent polyester
- Ortho
- 200-300
- 37-40
- 40-50
- 73
- 2,5
- 130
- 79
- 45
- 8,4
OT1 , OT4 - -
Excellent fiber wet-out
- Clear resin color
- High impact resistance
- RTM parts with high light transmittance, water slides and green house covers.
Polipol 309-A-H40
New - High performance flame retardant clear preaccelerated polyester
- 270-290
- 37-40
- 39-41
- 52
- 2,8
- 113
- 92
- 41
- 7,4
OT1 , OT4 - -
Excellent fiber wet-out
- BS 476 part 7 class 1
- Clear resin color
- Low viscosity
- Infusion or RTM of composite parts for required high flame retardency.
Polipol 3680-A
New - Low viscosity, preaccelerated, infusion type polyester
- rPET
- 200-250
- 42-46
- 60-65
- 50
- 2,5
- 115
- 85
- 46
OT1 , OT2 - -
Contains recycled PET,
- Quick barcol development
- Easy and good fiber-wetting
- Infusion of composite parts for automotive, roof mounted AC units.
Polipol 338-A
- RTM / Infusion type preaccelerated polyester
- 180-250
- 41-44
- 24-26
- 64
- 2,3
- 116
- 92
- 45
- 7,8
OT1 , OT4 - -
Short demolding time
- Low viscosity
- High mechanical values
- RTM and L–RTM parts for automotive, water park slides, infusion, roof mounted AC units.
Polipol 3382
- RTM / Infusion type high HDT polyester
- 300-350
- 40-44
- 13-17
- 75
- 2,6
- 140
- 115
- 48
- 8,7
OT1 , OT2 - -
Excellent HDT, Tg and
mechanical properties
- Short demolding time
- MAN Nuremberg Lab 3F approved
- High temperature resistant RTM, VARTM parts.
Polipol 3381
New - Resistant to high temperature ISO/DCPD polyester
- 300-350
- 39-43
- 13-17
- 75
- 2,6
- 140
- 115
- 48
- 8,7
OT1 , OT2 - -
Excellent HDT, Tg and
mechanical properties
- Short demolding time
- High temperature resistant RTM, VARTM parts.
Polipol 3387-ZERO
- ZERO System - RTM / infusion type zero shrink polyester
- 300-350
- 39-42
- 13-17
- 62
- 3,2
- 124
- 115
- 44
- N/A
OT1 , OT2 - -
Zero shrinkage
- Superior surface appearance on finished part
- Fast demolding time
- RTM, VARTM parts for automotive.
Polipol 3876
- Flame retardant clear polyester
- 300-350
- 37-40
- 26-28
- 55
- 2,8
- 105
- 81
- 42
- 8,5
OT1 , OT2 - -
Fire retardant
- Good fiber wet-out
- BS 476 Part 7 Class 2
- Accepts high ATH ratio
- RTM productions which require flame retardancy.
Polives 702
Lloyd's - ZRTM / Infusion type vinyl ester
- VE
- 200-250
- 43-45
- 28-32
- 76
- 5
- 155
- 102
- 36
- 7,7
OT1 , OT5 - -
Excellent chemical and
mechanical properties
- Superior hydrolytic resistance
- Excellent fiber wet-out
- Lloyd's Register approved
- Infusion for marine, military and defense applications, wind turbine blades.
Polives 711-I
- RTM / Infusion type high performance vinyl ester
- VE
- 200-250
- 37-40
- 28-32
- 80
- 5,7
- 160
- 115
- 35
- 7,9
OT1 , OT5 - -
High HDT
- Excellent hydrolytic and chemical resistance
- Excellent mechanical properties
- Excellent fiber wet-out
- Low viscosity
- Infusion for marine, military and defense applications, wind turbine blades.
Polives 710-I
- RTM / Infusion type flame retardant vinyl ester
- VE
- 200-250
- 34-38
- 30-35
- 70
- 3
- 165
- 105
- 35
- 7,7
OT1 , OT5 - -
High corrosion resistance
- Perfect mechanical properties and impact resistance
- Very good fiber wetting
- Flame retardancy
- Low viscosity
- Chemical resistant, flame retardant applications such as, engine insulation, chemical storage tanks, yachts.
Resin Infusion Application
Infusion production method recommended for applications like production of marine vehicles and wind turbine blades. It is also useful for the automotive industry in production of low volume parts. Primary purpose is cutting down VOC emissions with high glass fiber ratios of up to 70% and homogeneous distribution of resin through out the part body without air entrapment. Composite parts produced with the infusion method have exceptional mechanical strength.
Resin Infusion Products
Both Polives 701-TA skincoat and Polives 702 Infusion type vinyl ester resins are recommended for infusion.
Silicone Membrane System
L–RTM and Infusion resins can be used with vacuum bags and/or reusable silicone membranes.
RTM - Resin Transfer Molding
Composite production with RTM method has the following advantages: good surface appearance on both sides, low workmanship, better dimensional stability, lower styrene emission, high productivity. Because of these properties, it is an ideal method for the production of vehicle parts with or without gelcoat. RTM production steps:
① Apply mold release agent on mold surface
② Apply a gelcoat film of 500-800 microns
③ Lay down reinforcement material on cured (but tacky) gelcoat
④ Close upper mold
⑤ Apply vacuum to seal mold
⑥ Apply vacuum inside the mold if needed
⑦ Check peroxide ratio and equipment pressure
⑧ Inject resin into the mold
⑨ Stop injecting when resin capacity is reached
⑩ Demold the composite part after resin finishes curing
RTM and Light RTM production provides a faster composite part production rate with shorter cycle time compared to hand lay-up or spray-up production methods. Incorporation of heating-cooling systems to molds will also speed up production rates.
Packing Types
You can choose any package type suitable for your production system or you can get further information from our sales department regarding container options.
Modification Description
- FR Filled flame retardant
- D* Filled (*with filler content)
- T
Thixotropic (no sagging)
- A
Cobalt preaccelerated
Amine preaccelerated
- UV
UV Curing
- L UV light stabilized
- I
Lower viscosity
- V
Higher viscosity
- LSE LSE (low styrene emission)
- H*
Gel time customized (at room temperature) * minutes
Optimized for summer season. Gel time (at room temperature) 40 minutes.
Optimized for winter season. Gel time (at room temperature) 20 minutes.
- COLOR White or custom color options
Gelcoat Customizations
Polijel gelcoat table descriptions and modifications.
Spray Application (airless preferred)
Brush or Roller Application
Color Option: White colored
Color Option: Light colored (pastel)
Color Option: PRO colored